捌月拾句 | 鸟儿愿为一朵云,云儿愿为一只鸟

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1、糊涂主义,唯无是非观等等——本来是中国的高尚道德。 你说他是解脱,达观罢,也未必。 他其实在固执着,坚持着什么,例如道德上的正统,文学上的正宗之类。 ——鲁迅《准风月谈·难得糊涂》

2、曾经阔气的要复古,正在阔气的要保持现状,未曾阔气的要革新,大抵如是。 ——鲁迅《而已集》

3、犬儒者需要站在理想的平台上才能向他们批评的靶子扔石块。一个处于坠落中的人投石块既使不出劲道,也没有准头。 ——迪克.基耶斯《看穿犬儒主义》(Dick Keyes, Seeing Through Cynicism

4、 人们相互蔑视,又相互奉承,人们各自希望自己高于别人,又各自匍匐在别人面前。 ——马克·奥勒留《沉思录》(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, Ta eis heauton)

5、之所以想写少年,是因为他们还是“可变”的存在,他们的灵魂仍处于绵软状态而未固定于一个方向,他们身上类似价值观和生活方式那样的因素尚未牢固确立。然而他们的身体正以迅猛的速度趋向成熟,他们的精神在无边的荒野中摸索自由、困惑和犹豫。 —— 村上春树《海边的卡夫卡》 中文版序

6、世界的问题不在于人们所知甚少,而是人们知道太多似是而非的东西。 ——马克·吐温


8、栀子花粗粗大大,又香得掸都掸不开,于是为文雅人不取,以为品格不高。栀子花说:“去你妈的,我就是要这样香,香得痛痛快快,你们他妈的管得着吗?” ——汪曾琪《人间草木》

9、鸟儿愿为一朵云,云儿愿为一只鸟。 ——泰戈尔

10、「It’s not about how many hours you can work. It’s about how many hours you can focus.」 —— Lawrence King

11、「Contemporary geography continues to be an exciting discipline that attempts to solve a variety of problems and issues from spatial and ecological perspectives. The spatial perspective focuses on patterns and processes on the earth's surface, and the ecological perspective focuses on the complex web of relationships between living and nonliving elements on the earth's surface.」 ——Geography Education Standards Project, 1994

12、「Map design principles have been fairly stable over time, but the tools of cartography are always changing and often borrow from other technologies.」

13、「We need more smaller cities, more densely connected, or perhaps more and smaller "downtown" areas within a single city. Then people could have a bit more personal space (less geographic concentration reduces demand and price pressure in specific areas), while keeping density and interconnectedness high to support mass transit, walking/cycling, and socially connected communities.」 ——Hacker News网友nerdponx

    2024年12月03日 23:13
